

Dataset GSE115210

In the first part of the vignette it is shown the analysis performed on the dataset with GEO accession number GSE115210 from Ludwig et al, 2019 used in fig. 2/S2. Individually sorted cells from clonally derived TF1 clones (C9, D6, and G10) were processed with single cell RNA-seq (Smart-seq2)

Get counts for the four alleles in each base-cell pair

load(system.file("extdata", "name_cells_fig_2.Rda", package = "MitoHEAR"))
load(system.file("extdata", "name_cells_fig_2_analysis.Rda", package = "MitoHEAR"))

We don’t execute the function get_raw_counts_allele here and we directly load his output. A command line implementation of the function get_raw_counts_allele is also available (see github README file for info).

load(system.file("extdata", "output_SNP_mt_fig_2_new.Rda", package = "MitoHEAR"))

output_SNP_mt_fig_2  <-  result
matrix_allele_counts  <-  output_SNP_mt_fig_2[[1]]
name_position_allele  <-  output_SNP_mt_fig_2[[2]]
name_position  <-  output_SNP_mt_fig_2[[3]]

my.clusters  <-  rep(0, length(name_cells_fig_2))
my.clusters[grep("_G10_", name_cells_fig_2)] <- "G10"
my.clusters[grep("_D6_", name_cells_fig_2)]  <- "D6"
my.clusters[grep("_C9_", name_cells_fig_2)]  <- "C9"

tfi_fig_2 <- get_heteroplasmy(matrix_allele_counts, name_position_allele, name_position, number_reads = 50, number_positions = 2000, filtering  =  1, my.clusters)
sum_matrix <- tfi_fig_2[[1]]
sum_matrix_qc <- tfi_fig_2[[2]]
heteroplasmy_matrix_ci <- tfi_fig_2[[3]]
allele_matrix_ci<- tfi_fig_2[[4]]
cluster_ci <- my.clusters[row.names(sum_matrix)%in%row.names(sum_matrix_qc)]

index_ci <- tfi_fig_2[[5]]

name_position_allele_qc  <- name_position_allele[name_position%in%colnames(sum_matrix_qc)]
name_position_qc <- name_position[name_position%in%colnames(sum_matrix_qc)]
relevant_bases <- filter_bases(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci, min_heteroplasmy = 0.01, min_cells = 10, index_ci)

Identification of most different bases according to heteroplasmy between clones

p_value_wilcox_test_1 <- get_wilcox_test(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci[, relevant_bases], cluster_ci, "C9", "D6" , index_ci)

p_value_wilcox_test_2 <- get_wilcox_test(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci[, relevant_bases], cluster_ci, "C9", "G10" , index_ci)

p_value_wilcox_test_3 <- get_wilcox_test(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci[, relevant_bases], cluster_ci, "D6", "G10" , index_ci)
p_value_wilcox_test_sort_1 <- sort(p_value_wilcox_test_1, decreasing  =  F)
p_value_wilcox_test_sort_2 <- sort(p_value_wilcox_test_2, decreasing  =  F)
p_value_wilcox_test_sort_3 <- sort(p_value_wilcox_test_3, decreasing  =  F)

p_value_wilcox_test_sort_small_1 <- p_value_wilcox_test_sort_1[p_value_wilcox_test_sort_1<0.05]
p_value_wilcox_test_sort_small_2 <- p_value_wilcox_test_sort_2[p_value_wilcox_test_sort_2<0.05]
p_value_wilcox_test_sort_small_3 <- p_value_wilcox_test_sort_3[p_value_wilcox_test_sort_3<0.05]
q  <- list()
for ( i in 1:length(p_value_wilcox_test_sort_small_3[1:2])){
p  <- plot_heteroplasmy(names(p_value_wilcox_test_sort_small_3)[i], heteroplasmy_matrix_ci, cluster_ci, index_ci)+ggplot2::ggtitle(paste(names(p_value_wilcox_test_sort_small_3)[i], round(p_value_wilcox_test_sort_small_3[i], 4), sep = "-"))
q  <- list(q, p)
#> [[1]]
#> [[1]][[1]]
#> list()
#> [[1]][[2]]

#> [[2]]

q  <- list()
for ( i in names(p_value_wilcox_test_sort_small_3[1:2])){
p  <-  plot_allele_frequency(i, heteroplasmy_matrix_ci, allele_matrix_ci, cluster_ci, name_position_qc, name_position_allele_qc, 5, index_ci)  
q  <- list(q, p)

#> [[1]]
#> [[1]][[1]]
#> list()
#> [[1]][[2]]
#> TableGrob (2 x 2) "arrange": 4 grobs
#>   z     cells    name           grob
#> 1 1 (1-1,1-1) arrange gtable[layout]
#> 2 2 (1-1,2-2) arrange gtable[layout]
#> 3 3 (2-2,1-1) arrange gtable[layout]
#> 4 4 (2-2,2-2) arrange gtable[layout]
#> [[2]]
#> TableGrob (2 x 2) "arrange": 4 grobs
#>   z     cells    name           grob
#> 1 1 (1-1,1-1) arrange gtable[layout]
#> 2 2 (1-1,2-2) arrange gtable[layout]
#> 3 3 (2-2,1-1) arrange gtable[layout]
#> 4 4 (2-2,2-2) arrange gtable[layout]

Supervised cluster analysis among cells based on allele frequency values

features_cluster  <-  c(names(p_value_wilcox_test_sort_small_1), names(p_value_wilcox_test_sort_small_2), names(p_value_wilcox_test_sort_small_3))
features_cluster  <-  unique(features_cluster)
result_clustering_sc  <- clustering_angular_distance(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci, allele_matrix_ci, cluster_ci, length(colnames(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci)), deepSplit_param = 1, minClusterSize_param = 15, 0.2, min_value = 0.001, index = index_ci, relevant_bases = features_cluster)
#>  ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 1.66  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
#>  ..done.

old_new_classification  <-result_clustering_sc[[1]]
dist_matrix_sc  <- result_clustering_sc[[2]]
top_dist  <- result_clustering_sc[[3]]
common_idx  <-  result_clustering_sc[[4]]

old_classification  <- as.vector(old_new_classification[, 1])
new_classification  <- as.vector(old_new_classification[, 2])

Comparison between the ground truth and the new partition obtained with supervised cluster analysis

plot_heatmap( new_classification, old_classification, (dist_matrix_sc), cluster_columns = F, cluster_rows = F, "Euclidean distance")

Unsupervised cluster analysis among cells based on allele frequency values

result_clustering_sc  <-  clustering_angular_distance(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci, allele_matrix_ci, cluster_ci, length(colnames(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci)), deepSplit_param = 1, minClusterSize_param = 15, 0.2, min_value = 0.001, index = index_ci, relevant_bases = NULL)
#> Warning in clustering_angular_distance(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci,
#> allele_matrix_ci, : Less than 10525 bases present. All the bases will be
#> consider for downstream analysis.
#>  ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 1.65  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
#>  ..done.

old_new_classification  <- result_clustering_sc[[1]]
dist_matrix_sc  <-  result_clustering_sc[[2]]
top_dist  <-  result_clustering_sc[[3]]
common_idx  <-  result_clustering_sc[[4]]

old_classification  <-  as.vector(old_new_classification[, 1])
new_classification  <-  as.vector(old_new_classification[, 2])

Comparison between the ground truth and the new partition obtained with unsupervised cluster analysis

plot_heatmap(new_classification, old_classification, (dist_matrix_sc), cluster_columns = F, cluster_rows = F, "Euclidean distance")

Below the bases selected for the unsupervised cluster analysis

q  <-  list()
for ( i in 1:length(top_dist)){
p  <-  plot_heteroplasmy(top_dist[i], heteroplasmy_matrix_ci, cluster_ci, index_ci)
q  <-  list(q, p)
#> [[1]]
#> [[1]][[1]]
#> [[1]][[1]][[1]]
#> [[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]]
#> [[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]]
#> [[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]]
#> list()
#> [[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]]

#> [[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]]

#> [[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]]

#> [[1]][[1]][[2]]

#> [[1]][[2]]

#> [[2]]

Dataset GSE115214

In the second part of the vignette it is shown the analysis performed on the dataset with GEO accession number GSE115214 from Ludwig et al, 2019 used in fig. 5. Primary human cells( CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells HSPCs) from two independent donors were processed with single cell RNA-seq (Smart-seq2)

load(system.file("extdata", "name_cells_fig_5_all.Rda", package = "MitoHEAR"))
load(system.file("extdata", "name_cells_fig_5_all_analysis.Rda", package = "MitoHEAR"))
path_meta_data <- system.file("extdata", "CD34_colonies_table.txt", package = "MitoHEAR")
cell_convert <- read.table(path_meta_data, header = T)
cell_old <- cell_convert$ID1
cell_new <- cell_convert$ID2

cell_old_summary <- rep(0, length(name_cells_fig_5_all))

for (i in 1:length(cell_old_summary)){
cell_old_summary[i] <- c(paste(strsplit(name_cells_fig_5_all, "_")[[i]][3:6], collapse = "_"))
change <- cell_old_summary[grep("_colonies", cell_old_summary)]
cell_old_summary[grep("_colonies", cell_old_summary)] <- substr(change, 1, nchar(change)-9)

We don’t execute the function get_raw_counts_allele here and we directly load his output. A command line implementation of the function get_raw_counts_allele is also available (see github README file for info).

path_meta_data <- load(system.file("extdata", "output_SNP_mt_fig_5_new.Rda", package = "MitoHEAR"))
output_SNP_mt_fig_5 <- result
matrix_allele_counts <- output_SNP_mt_fig_5[[1]]
name_position_allele <- output_SNP_mt_fig_5[[2]]
name_position <- output_SNP_mt_fig_5[[3]]
common_old <- intersect(cell_old, cell_old_summary)
row.names(matrix_allele_counts) <- cell_old_summary

matrix_allele_counts <- matrix_allele_counts[common_old, ]

meta_old <- data.frame(cell_old, cell_new)
row.names(meta_old) <- cell_old
meta_old <- meta_old[common_old, ]
new_small <- meta_old[, 2]

row.names(matrix_allele_counts) <- new_small

donor_all <- rep(0, length(row.names(matrix_allele_counts)))
donor_all[grep("Donor1_", row.names(matrix_allele_counts))] <- "Donor_1"
donor_all[grep("Donor2_", row.names(matrix_allele_counts))] <- "Donor_2"

donor_1_2 <- get_heteroplasmy(matrix_allele_counts, name_position_allele, name_position, number_reads = 50, number_positions = 2000, filtering = 2, donor_all)
sum_matrix <- donor_1_2[[1]]
sum_matrix_qc <- donor_1_2[[2]]
heteroplasmy_matrix_ci <- donor_1_2[[3]]
allele_matrix_ci <- donor_1_2[[4]]

cluster_ci <- donor_all[row.names(sum_matrix)%in%row.names(sum_matrix_qc)]

index_ci <- donor_1_2[[5]]

name_position_allele_qc <- name_position_allele[name_position%in%colnames(sum_matrix_qc)]
name_position_qc <- name_position[name_position%in%colnames(sum_matrix_qc)]
relevant_bases <- filter_bases(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci, min_heteroplasmy = 0.01, min_cells = 50, index_ci)

Identification of most different bases according to heteroplasmy between donor1 and donor2

p_value_wilcox_test_1 <- get_wilcox_test(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci[, relevant_bases], cluster_ci, "Donor_1", "Donor_2" , index_ci)
p_value_wilcox_test_sort_1 <- sort(p_value_wilcox_test_1, decreasing = F)

p_value_wilcox_test_sort_small_1 <- p_value_wilcox_test_sort_1[p_value_wilcox_test_sort_1<0.05]

p_value_wilcox_test_sort_top <- p_value_wilcox_test_sort_small_1[1:5]
q <- list()
for ( i in 1:length(p_value_wilcox_test_sort_top[1:2])){
p <- plot_heteroplasmy(names(p_value_wilcox_test_sort_top)[i], heteroplasmy_matrix_ci, cluster_ci, index_ci)+ggplot2::ggtitle(paste(names(p_value_wilcox_test_sort_top)[i], round(p_value_wilcox_test_sort_small_1[i], 4), sep = "-"))
q <- list(q, p)
#> [[1]]
#> [[1]][[1]]
#> list()
#> [[1]][[2]]

#> [[2]]

q <- list()
for ( i in names(p_value_wilcox_test_sort_top[1:2])){
p <- plot_allele_frequency(i, heteroplasmy_matrix_ci, allele_matrix_ci, cluster_ci, name_position_qc, name_position_allele_qc, 5, index_ci)  
q <- list(q, p)

#> [[1]]
#> [[1]][[1]]
#> list()
#> [[1]][[2]]
#> TableGrob (2 x 2) "arrange": 4 grobs
#>   z     cells    name           grob
#> 1 1 (1-1,1-1) arrange gtable[layout]
#> 2 2 (1-1,2-2) arrange gtable[layout]
#> 3 3 (2-2,1-1) arrange gtable[layout]
#> 4 4 (2-2,2-2) arrange gtable[layout]
#> [[2]]
#> TableGrob (2 x 2) "arrange": 4 grobs
#>   z     cells    name           grob
#> 1 1 (1-1,1-1) arrange gtable[layout]
#> 2 2 (1-1,2-2) arrange gtable[layout]
#> 3 3 (2-2,1-1) arrange gtable[layout]
#> 4 4 (2-2,2-2) arrange gtable[layout]

heteroplasmy_matrix_ci_small <- heteroplasmy_matrix_ci[, relevant_bases]

allele_matrix_ci_small <- allele_matrix_ci[, name_position_qc%in%relevant_bases]

Unsupervised cluster analysis among cells based on allele frequency values

result_clustering_sc <- clustering_angular_distance(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci_small, allele_matrix_ci_small, cluster_ci, length(colnames(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci_small)), deepSplit_param = 0, minClusterSize_param = 100, 0.2, min_value = 0.001, index = index_ci, relevant_bases = NULL)
#> Warning in clustering_angular_distance(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci_small,
#> allele_matrix_ci_small, : Less than 872 bases present. All the bases will be
#> consider for downstream analysis.
#>  ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 2.85  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
#>  ..done.

old_new_classification <- result_clustering_sc[[1]]
dist_matrix_sc <- result_clustering_sc[[2]]
top_dist <- result_clustering_sc[[3]]
common_idx <- result_clustering_sc[[4]]

old_classification <- as.vector(old_new_classification[, 1])
new_classification <- as.vector(old_new_classification[, 2])

The unsupervised cluster analysis divides cells in two groups that perfectly coincide with donor 1 and donor 2

plot_heatmap(new_classification, old_classification, (dist_matrix_sc), cluster_columns = F, cluster_rows = F, "Euclidean distance")

The final number of clusters obtained does not change with the number of top bases used (determined with the parameter min_value in the function choose_features_clustering. The number in the clustree plot (1, 2, 3, 4) refers to the index of the vector min_frac. So in this case 1 refers to 0.1, 2 to 0.01 and so on.

min_frac <- c(0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001)
choose_features_clustering(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci_small, allele_matrix_ci_small, cluster_ci, top_pos = length(colnames(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci_small)), deepSplit_param = 0, minClusterSize_param = 100, min_frac, 0.2, index = index_ci)

Dataset GSE115214 only with donor 1

In the second part of the vignette it is shown the analysis performed on the dataset with GEO accession number GSE115214 Ludwig et al, 2019 used in fig. 5. Primary human cells( CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells HSPCs) from two independent donors were processed with single cell RNA-seq (Smart-seq2). Below we focus only on some colonies from donor 1.

donor_1 <- donor_all[donor_all == "Donor_1"]
colony_1 <- rep(0, length(seq(101, 135)))
for (i in 1:length(seq(101, 135))){
  colony_1[i] <- paste0("C", seq(101, 135)[i], collapse = "")
colony_1_all <- rep(0, length(row.names(matrix_allele_counts)))
for (i in colony_1 ){
colony_1_all[grep(i, row.names(matrix_allele_counts))] <- i

cluster_ci <- colony_1_all[grep("Donor1_", row.names(matrix_allele_counts))]

only_col <- c("C101", "C103", "C107", "C109", "C112", "C114", "C116", "C118", "C120", "C122", "C124", "C132", "C135")

matrix_allele_counts_1 <- matrix_allele_counts[grep("Donor1_", row.names(matrix_allele_counts)), ]

donor_1 <- get_heteroplasmy(matrix_allele_counts_1[cluster_ci%in%only_col, ], name_position_allele, name_position, number_reads = 50, number_positions = 2000, filtering = 2, donor_1[cluster_ci%in%only_col])
sum_matrix <- donor_1[[1]]
sum_matrix_qc <- donor_1[[2]]
heteroplasmy_matrix_ci <- donor_1[[3]]
allele_matrix_ci <- donor_1[[4]]

cluster_ci <- cluster_ci[cluster_ci%in%only_col]

cluster_ci <- cluster_ci[row.names(sum_matrix)%in%row.names(sum_matrix_qc)]

index_ci <- donor_1[[5]]

name_position_allele_qc <- name_position_allele[name_position%in%colnames(sum_matrix_qc)]
name_position_qc <- name_position[name_position%in%colnames(sum_matrix_qc)]
relevant_bases <- filter_bases(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci, min_heteroplasmy = 0.01, min_cells = 10, index_ci)
heteroplasmy_matrix_ci_small <- heteroplasmy_matrix_ci[, relevant_bases]

allele_matrix_ci_small <- allele_matrix_ci[, name_position_qc%in%relevant_bases]

Unsupervised cluster analysis among cells based on allele frequency values

result_clustering_sc <- clustering_angular_distance(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci_small, allele_matrix_ci_small, cluster_ci, length(row.names(heteroplasmy_matrix_ci_small)), deepSplit_param = 0, minClusterSize_param = 10, 0.2, min_value = 0.001, index = index_ci, relevant_bases = NULL)
#>  ..cutHeight not given, setting it to 2.75  ===>  99% of the (truncated) height range in dendro.
#>  ..done.

old_new_classification <- result_clustering_sc[[1]]
dist_matrix_sc <- result_clustering_sc[[2]]
top_dist <- result_clustering_sc[[3]]
common_idx <- result_clustering_sc[[4]]

old_classification <- as.vector(old_new_classification[, 1])
new_classification <- as.vector(old_new_classification[, 2])

Comparison between the ground truth and the new partition obtained with unsupervised cluster analysis

plot_heatmap(new_classification, old_classification, (dist_matrix_sc), cluster_columns = F, cluster_rows = F, "Euclidean distance")

Below the top 4 bases selected for the unsupervised cluster analysis.

q <- list()
for ( i in 1:length(top_dist[1:4])){
p <- plot_heteroplasmy(top_dist[i], heteroplasmy_matrix_ci, cluster_ci, index_ci)
q <- list(q, p)
#> [[1]]
#> [[1]][[1]]
#> [[1]][[1]][[1]]
#> [[1]][[1]][[1]][[1]]
#> list()
#> [[1]][[1]][[1]][[2]]

#> [[1]][[1]][[2]]

#> [[1]][[2]]

#> [[2]]

#> R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)
#> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
#> Running under: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/ 
#> LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/;  LAPACK version 3.12.0
#> locale:
#>  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
#>  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=C              
#>  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
#>  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
#>  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
#> time zone: Etc/UTC
#> tzcode source: system (glibc)
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
#> other attached packages:
#> [1] MitoHEAR_0.1.0 rmarkdown_2.29
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#>  [1] sass_0.4.9            generics_0.1.3        shape_1.4.6.1        
#>  [4] digest_0.6.37         magrittr_2.0.3        RColorBrewer_1.1-3   
#>  [7] evaluate_1.0.3        grid_4.4.2            dynamicTreeCut_1.63-1
#> [10] iterators_1.0.14      circlize_0.4.16       fastmap_1.2.0        
#> [13] foreach_1.5.2         doParallel_1.0.17     jsonlite_1.8.9       
#> [16] GlobalOptions_0.1.2   rdist_0.0.5           gridExtra_2.3        
#> [19] ComplexHeatmap_2.23.0 scales_1.3.0          codetools_0.2-20     
#> [22] jquerylib_0.1.4       cli_3.6.3             crayon_1.5.3         
#> [25] rlang_1.1.5           munsell_0.5.1         withr_3.0.2          
#> [28] cachem_1.1.0          yaml_2.3.10           tools_4.4.2          
#> [31] parallel_4.4.2        dplyr_1.1.4           colorspace_2.1-1     
#> [34] ggplot2_3.5.1         BiocGenerics_0.53.6   GetoptLong_1.0.5     
#> [37] buildtools_1.0.0      vctrs_0.6.5           R6_2.5.1             
#> [40] png_0.1-8             stats4_4.4.2          matrixStats_1.5.0    
#> [43] lifecycle_1.0.4       S4Vectors_0.45.2      IRanges_2.41.2       
#> [46] clue_0.3-66           cluster_2.1.8         pkgconfig_2.0.3      
#> [49] pillar_1.10.1         bslib_0.9.0           gtable_0.3.6         
#> [52] glue_1.8.0            Rcpp_1.0.14           xfun_0.50            
#> [55] tibble_3.2.1          tidyselect_1.2.1      sys_3.4.3            
#> [58] knitr_1.49            rjson_0.2.23          farver_2.1.2         
#> [61] htmltools_0.5.8.1     maketools_1.3.1       labeling_0.4.3       
#> [64] compiler_4.4.2